Skylar Lyralen Kaye, fae/they
Award-winning Writer
Skylar Lyralen Kaye, fae/they, is a queer multi-hyphenate, award-winning screenwriter, playwright, poet, memoirist and novelist as well as an actor and solo performer.
Lyralen was nominated for the 1997 Pushcart Prize in fiction and has published in literary journals such as Calyx, Persona, Phoebe, Girlfriends and Happy Magazine. They have won the 2017 Moth Story Slam and 2018 Boston Story Slam as well as the 1998 Boston Amazon Poetry Slam Finals. They were on the Amazon Poetry Slam team in 2003.
In film, Lyralen’s web series, Assigned Female at Birth, received 14 Best Web awards internationally and earned them the 2021 NE Film Star Award. Saint John the Divine in Iowa, their first screenplay, won a Stowe Scholarship, was a finalist for the Black List Lab, won them a place in the 2015 inaugural Meryl Streep Writers Lab. Their second screenplay, Run from Fire, was a finalist in the international Half the World Literati Awards.
Lyralen’s stage play, Ladders to God, won the 2002 Stanley and Eleanor Lipkin Prize in Playwriting and was a finalist in the 2005 Massachusetts Council of the Arts Awards. Their solo show My Preferred Pronoun Is We won both Best in Fringe and Techie Best in Fringe at the 2018 San Francisco Fringe Festival and was a finalist for the 2018 Hollywoood Fringe Festival’s Soaring Solo Artist Award.
Priest Kid is based on the award-winning screenplay Saint John the Divine in Iowa.
Our verdict: Get it!
A raw, emotional novel of recovery and familial reckoning.
A reluctant prodigal daughter returns to her dysfunctional family in Kaye’s debut literary novel. …Kaye captures Erin’s complex emotional journey with elegant, salt-of-the-earth economy. …It’s a breezy read despite the dark subject matter, and the reader quickly gets swept up in Erin’s redemptive saga.
MELIZA BANALES, Lambda Award Finalist
Leaving Winter for a Desert Sky is a striking and rebellious coming of age story. With every pit stop, AA meeting, and second chance Kaye’s raw portrayal of Erin—a complex survivor turned adventurer— offers a snapshot of a young Queer finding her way through trauma and leaving room for hope, even in the most unexpected places.
TINA D’ELIA, Award-winning poet and Solo Performer
Riveting and timely! In Leaving Winter for a Desert Sky Erin, a young world traveler returns home, where ghosts, family, and unexpected arrivals challenge her in ways to which any reader can relate. Erin travels through lovers’ beds, desert skies, and looming memories in this novel of relationship cliffhangers.
Award-winning Solo Performer and Actor

© 2017 Lyralen Kaye. All rights reserved.